
This lovely post was actually a comment made by Poet of the Light under my post I found a typewriter! I was so amazed and overwhelmed with this that I just wanted to share it with all of you. It really got to me because it includes my story of coming home and finding this typewriter… Poet of the Light just hit the nail on the head. I honestly hope Poet of the Light isn’t upset I’m publishing this.

Make sure to check out his blog: https://poetofthelight.com/

Here it goes:

She secretly wore doubts of her choice to return the home of her mother the way any battle ridden warrior does when going back to familiar landscape, the touch of yesterday’s long missed memories and even the conversation over a home cooked meal by Mama. Life can be funny that way, with its secret ingredients found nowhere else. It had been nearly a month when her eyes finally caught site of that- most peculiar contraption sitting off to the side. It was as if the universe rippled in correction, the kind most don’t even notice. One could pose the argument; it was as if destiny was at play here, and that typewriter had been waiting- in silence all this time like a shooting star waiting to be infused with life, life that could only be bestowed from Luna’s fingerprint. Much the way small young girl dreams of being saved by a handsome prince and kissing her back to life; that typewriter certainly could be said to have played the same role, as her dashing prince, except she was the savior and the lost soul and sleeping heart- was her own…damaged by an unwritten travesty. All she had to do was remove the undersize cloth somewhat protecting it from ghostly cobweb collection.

After cleaning it up and preparing it for the test, transformion of old dry stale air into a flow of beautiful inked words- suddenly permeated the surroundings of her essence as she began pouring out her heart, her subdued feelings and long hidden dreams. Only she could read her words on invisible paper taking down all she stroked. Every torn scar on her heart slowly disappearing from her divine heart and her memory as time was erasing her unwanted pain. The sounds of the key strokes striking parchment was a symphony written an eon before her birth and even time itself had to wait until that angelic touch from the soul of Luna infused life and color to each phrase, each word- every single letter. Every typed mistake was planned as part of this written marvel, as too was every tearful correction, making it her life renewed in fluid motion.

Luna was meant to find that antiquated collection of steel that collected dust of past darken hours, that still worked like some enchanted time machine taking Luna herself back to the old Luna of yesteryear, that same Luna born with mystery and magical hope alive and well in her eyes as her heart pumped out love that like the ink scent adrift in the room where she can be heard clacking away secrets for the universe to bequest and unfold at the promise of every new dawn morning like every virginal flower bursting in a bathe of dew. The kind of secret love recipes Mam’s cook, that changes the world for the betterment. Oh- how I dream to be reborn as her parchment and flooded with the love of…Luna’s ink.

2 thoughts on “Undraping

  1. what a beautiful comment to find into a story!

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